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Health & Fitness Training

Achieving Your Goals Through Positive Action!

As a fully qualified and accredited trainer since 1999, I’ve been getting the residents of the Dearne Valley in South Yorkshire fit, one body at a time. Whatever shape you’re in, we could all use a bit of professional guidance and encouragement from time to time. If you feel like losing a pound or two, or even bulking up an inch or so — get in touch with me today and let’s get moving.

Fitness Equipment On a Wood Floor
Crossfit Class
Women Stretching Before A Run
Rest Later But Train Hard
Barbell Clean pexels-photo-1092882.jpeg

About Me

Working Hard For Change

I believe living a healthy lifestyle begins with maintaining a strong and fit body. My aim is to help you identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs, and guide you through every exercise, every workout. My holistic approach to fitness and health will have you feeling great and seeing results in no time.

I know only too well how hard it is to fit training in to your busy schedule.  That is why it's important to keep focus on your activity levels.   Remember little steps help us reach our goals.

We may also need to help you change your mind set for the better, quite often we are held back by our own negative beliefs.  With our development and holistic approach you will SMASH YOUR GOALS!

With a STRONGER body comes a STRONGER mind.

So let's B-ACTIVE together and get our fitness and mindset back on track!

What I Can Do For You

Get Fit Fast

As a certified trainer, I offer a wide range of fitness services and training styles. More than just getting you into shape, I also help with improving endurance, building strength, rehabilitating from injury, and sports-specific training. You can choose from a wide array of existing training options, or you can design your own.


Body Blaster

Tired of being stuck in a rut at home or  work?  Do you have very little equipment, or lack motivation and self esteem?

The Body Blaster Training Session is designed specially for people like you.

We utilise your own body weight and items easily available for you to get your blood pumping.  Essentially working to your goals!

This program combines core exercises that can be completed almost any where. Ideal for those short of time, even on holiday, or business people on the go.  Your mind and body will love this  BLASTER of a Session!

Girl Planking

Core Training

My experiences in fitness training includes a focus on Core Training.

This unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost the metabolism, and improve your overall health.

A combination of strategic exercises as well as a healthy diet will have you in tip top shape in no time.

Equipment or a gym may be required for optimum performance on this workout!

Common principles involved here may include compound exercises, or peripheral heart training and pyramid workouts.

Personal Trainer

1 to 1 - Private Training

This is a popular trend in the fitness world today. Whether you’re training to lose weight or just want to trim and tone!

A program designed to help improve your fitness and have you feeling great, whilst being supervised more closely.

You’ll see an improvement in your performance in no time and have that extra support to motivate you even more.

1 to 1 also means you get that more personal touch and gym buddy experience if that's what you prefer.

"You Can't Climb

The Ladder Of


With Your Hands

In Your Pockets.

 - - - - - -

You Must Work 


Arnold Schwarzenegger


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